The Canada lynx is a cute and fluffy creature with a petite body, small tail, and long legs. Despite their resemblance to housecats, these boreal predators are definitely untamed. They prefer to reside in forested regions and enjoy creating their cozy dens beneath fallen trees, tree stumps, rocky ledges, or dense bushes. Known for being territorial, male lynxes typically live solitary lives in the wild.
Credit for the image goes to focused_on_canada.
Credit for the image goes to Les Piccolo.
With their large eyes and acute hearing, the Canada lynx is a skilled nighttime predator. Despite not being fast runners, they make up for it with clever hunting techniques. One of their common strategies is finding a concealed spot, patiently waiting for prey to approach, and then striking swiftly. These elusive creatures are known to sit motionless for hours just to secure a meal.
Photo courtesy: kathleenreeder
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Credit for the image goes to thelynxproject. Tracy Munson, also known as @focused_on_canada, has had the opportunity to photograph the Canada Lynx. She shared with Bored Panda that she has not had the chance to see a lynx in the wild yet. The lynx in her photo was living at a Wildlife Rehab Centre in Ontario after being declawed as a kitten, preventing her from being released back into the wild. Tracy described the experience of photographing the lynx as similar to photographing a big and grouchy housecat.
Photo provided by kayleehewett.
Munson, a distinguished winner of the Photographic Artist of the Year award from the Professional Photographers of Canada Atlantic Region, offered valuable tips on approaching lynx in the wild. According to the photographer, lynx are elusive and tend to avoid human contact, making a sighting rare and fortunate. To capture these majestic creatures on camera, Munson advised maintaining a safe distance and using a long telephoto lens. It is crucial to minimize movement and noise to avoid startling the lynx. Typically, lynx are found in densely forested areas where they can easily conceal themselves. Winter is considered an ideal time to spot them, as the trees are bare, providing less coverage for the lynx to hide.
Photo credit goes to alaska_daily.
Photo courtesy: outdoor.planet
Photo courtesy of canadianshieldphotography
Photo courtesy of bigcatswildlife
Photo courtesy of sjcowie1991
Credit for the image goes to hamoomoo_.
Credit for the image goes to hali_sowle.
Photo courtesy of bigrunwolfranch
Credit for the image goes to shutter_cats.
Photo courtesy: kevinpepperphotography
Photo credit: Eric Kilby
Credit for the image goes to an unidentified source.
The majestic creatures have definitely captured the hearts of many individuals.