Meet the Malabar giant squirrel, the squirrel so colorful people can’t believe it’s real
No one thinks of the squirrel as a particularly exotic or interesting animal. Chances are if you look in your backyard right now, you’ll probably find one—they’re very common animals. But…

Photographer Luckily Meets The World’s Most Lovely ‘Florist’ Animals
The American pika is a small and adorable creature that lives in the high mountains of North America. These little fellows, who look a bit like fluffy…

Photographer Spots Stunning Great Grey Owl Blending Perfectly Into a Tree
This is the incredible moment when a photographer who was hunting for a great grey owl came across one that was perfectly camouflaged and blended into the…

If you don’t nag I will carry you! A mischievous baby bear who doesn’t like water clings to his mother’s back to cross the river in a series of adorable photos
A doting brown bear gives one of her cubs a piggy back as they wade through a river, after the young mammal decided she didn’t like the…

The cutest peck on the cheek you’ll see today! These owls prove they’re real love birds as they cuddle up for a kiss
These lovable little owls can’t seem to ɡet enough of each other after they were seen snuggling up together on a tree branch. The owlets, spotted near…