A Daring Rescue and an Unforgettable Moment: Canadian Brothers Save an Eagle and Capture the Ultimate Selfie

This heartwarming story will almost certainly put a smile on your face.

Normally, the word “selfie” makes us want to flip over our desks, throw our computers out of the window, punch a lamb, and kick the nearest available bus. In other words, it’s a word that makes us extremely angry. However, now and then along comes a “selfie” story that doesn’t make our eyes bleed with unfiltered fury. These “selfie” stories tend to be so ridiculously nice that they make our cold hearts sing with joy. They’re nice to see, nice to read about, and don’t make us want to hurl the earth into a cosmic dustbin.

Canadian brothers Michael and Neil Fletcher were cruising through the woods in Ontario province when they came across a distressed bald eagle caught in a hunting trap. The bros, being the upstanding chaps that they so clearly are, got out of their car and heroically freed the animal by fiddling about with the chain a bit. So grateful to Neil and Michael, was the eagle, it accepted their request for a selfie and in doing so gifted humanity arguably the greatest wildlife selfie in history.

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