After a long hibernation, the little turtle woke up and had to have his front legs amputated because of a severe infection. The homeowner installed model wheels to continue living a normal life
A tortoise whose front legs were gnawed off by rats as he hibernated in his owner’s garden has had his missing limbs replaced with wheels from a…

Diver has incredible face to face encounter with giant anaconda
What would you do if a giant anaconda was right in front of you when you are underwater? I know that I most surely would get out…

Encountering the Majestic Canada Lynx: The Feline with Enormous Paws
The Canada lynx is a cute and fluffy creature with a petite body, small tail, and long legs. Despite their resemblance to housecats, these boreal predators are…

Magic moment : Photographer captures rare photo of a bald eagle and its reflection
Some people believe that the perfect photograph does not exist. But this story will undoubtedly prove them all wrong. Steve Biro is an individual with a great…

Delightful Sighting : Adorable Bird Turns Flower Petal into Miniature Bathtub
Even though life is rather monotonous at times, once in a while we come across significant once-in-a-lifetime moments. Rahul was also lucky enough to witness one such…

I didn’t expect it really existed in the world! Meet the world’s smallest and most mаgісаl deer
The world let oᴜt a collective awwww yesterday when New York’s Queens Zoo announced the birth of a very tiny pudu fawn. While this little guy lives…

Sausage Dog And A Seal Puppy Met On Vacation, Became Best Friends Immediately
Friendships can be formed even when we are on vacation and there is something great about getting to know people from the places we travel to. After…

A Stunning Alpine Jewel with Its Iridescent Violet Crown, Snow-White Chest, and Sleek Green Plumage
An Ecuadorian hillstar (Oreotrochilus chimborazo) of the Trochilidae family, genus oreotrochilus is a species of hummingbirds with two subspecies that is found in the higher altitudes of…

That was a special kiss! heartwarming moment when two Little Owls appear to kiss as they eat dinner together while perched on a countryside gate
This is the һeагt-wагmіпɡ moment two Little Owls seem to kiss each other as they share dinner while perched on a country gate. While it appears that…

Funny, Charming, and Unforgettable: The Blue-Footed Booby and Its Brilliant Marine Style
Distinctive Bright Blue Feet, This Booby Is Truly A Funny And Adorable Marine Bird Blue-footed boobies are incredibly adorable birds. Yellow eyes, pure white belly, irridescent brown…